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2022 Illinois Budget Address

On Wednesday, February 2 at noon, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker will deliver the annual State of the State Address, which will include the administration's proposed 2023 budget.


During the address, Workers Center for Racial Justice supporters across the state will urge  Governor Pritzker and the Illinois Legislature to invest in communities most impacted by mass incarceration and chronic disinvestment, by funding the SAFER Communities Act in next year's spending plan.


The SAFER Communities Act would promote job access for formerly incarcerated Illinoisans, improve public safety in our communities, and deliver economic relief for thousands of local businesses impacted by the pandemic. 


More information about the SAFER Communities Act can be found at


Join WCRJ as we tune into the Governor's address at Noon CST on Wednesday, February 2 and send messages via social media urging Illinois lawmakers to fund the SAFER Communities Act.

Social Media Toolkit

Outlined below, we've included images and sample messages for Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, as well as key Twitter handles to tag and hashtags to use. Feel free to create your own messages!

Twitter Handles





Campaign Hashtags



Sample Messages

  • Illinois can’t prevent crime without investing in economic opportunities for formerly incarcerated people. @GovPritzker & @LtGovStratton! Join @RepSlaughter & @C4RacialJustice as we fight to create new jobs for formerly incarcerated Illinoisans through the SAFER Communities Act. #HB3215 


  • It's time we follow the data to prevent violence and crime in IL @GovPritzker & @LtGovStratton!  Recidivism rates drop by 62% when formerly incarcerated workers have stable employment to provide for their families; #HB3215 #SAFERinIL


  • Formerly incarcerated workers aren't included in the Build Back Better plan, or any violence prevention initiatives!  Let's ensure FIP’s are not excluded by funding for the SAFER Communities Act @GovPritzker & @LtGovStratton! 


  • The people of IL deserve REAL investment in safety. The SAFER Communities Act provides jobs for the formerly incarcerated which promotes economic opportunity and improves public safety for all of us.  #SAFERinIL 

  • Hey @GovPritzker, public investment in wage subsidies for local businesses would offer crucial relief to the thousands of Illinois businesses experiencing long term economic challenges stemming from the COVID pandemic. #SAFERinIL


  • Fund REAL public safety in Illinois by supporting the SAFER Communities Act. Paging @GovPritzker and @LtGovStratton, what say you?!? #SAFERinIL


Click on the images below to download​ and share.


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Chicago, IL 60617

(312) 361-1161


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