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Ten Years Strong

Workers Center for Racial Justice is proud to announce an important milestone - 2022 marks our organization’s 10 year anniversary! 


All throughout the year, we will be celebrating our decade-long fight for Black Liberation, and the many significant wins that our grassroots members have led us to along the way. We hope that you will follow our 10th Anniversary campaign as we honor our tenacious community, highlight key moments in our history, and rally our supporters around us, ready to enter our next decade of struggle with power and resilience.

10th anniversary fundraising goals

We have set an ambitious goal for our 10th anniversary fundraising campaign: our goal is to raise $100,000 from individual supporters by the end of 2022.


As part of this goal, we will be working to raise $10,000 from new monthly sustainers, whose support will continue beyond 2022. By becoming a Sustainer with a monthly gift of $10 or more, you can provide the long-term support needed to achieve our vision of Black Liberation by including racial justice in your budget.

Opportunities to get involved

There are many special opportunities to support WCRJ this year, and we hope you will consider chipping in to help us leverage this milestone into more support for our movement. 

Birthday Fundraiser

Host a virtual birthday fundraiser to help us meet our fundraising goals.

Anniversary Sponsorship

Help fund our movement by becoming a 10th anniversary sponsor.

Petition Signatures

Collect signatures to help advance our ballot referendum campaigns

Texting Campaign

Text WCRJ's weekly digital actions to friends to support our policy advocacy. 

Thank You to Our 10th Anniversary Sponsors!

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WCRJ speaks with lawmakers in Springfield about the SAFER Communities Act
WCRJ hosts political education series in 2019
WCRJ mobilizes Black voter turnout in the 2018 elections
WCRJ calls on members of Congress to expand the Child Tax Credit
WCRJ leader demands a city budget that invests in communities, not more police
WCRJ celebrates at 2021 Juneteenth BBQ
WCRJ leader speaks at 2021 Forum for Safety and Liberation
WCRJ participates in a 2016 FOP protest to demand community control of the police
WCRJ executive director DeAngelo Bester speaks at the 2014 Ban the Box bill signing
In 2019, WCRJ organizes a demonstration at City Hall to demand equitable public safety reinvestment
Confronted with the challenges a global pandemic, WCRJ civic engagement pivots to virtual outreach t
WCRJ demands investment in Illinois' childcare system

Celebrating a Decade of Power


1750 East 87th Street

Chicago, IL 60617

(312) 361-1161


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